Sunday, January 24, 2010


My dad has always been sweet, but over this past year his sweetness towards us seemed to grow.

While my mom was at work one morning he called her phone and left a voice mail just to let her know that he was having a great day, that he loved her and that it was a "day of love." My mom started her job this year and she had to dress up for it. Every morning he pointed his finger at her and reminded her strongly, "Remember, you are beautiful." He also would leave little love notes in her lunches, for her to find on her lunch breaks.

My dad and I took a trip to Texas in November, to attend an Andrew Wommack conference. He was sure to reserve an afternoon for us to catch a shuttle to the nearest mall. His mission was to buy me something special. After looking in a few stores we came across this special purchase: A pair of leather boots. I didn't own any boots at the time. I tried them on, they were rolled down at the top, and his eyes lit up. "Those are beautiful!" he exclaimed. He had me put my foot up on the stool in front of him and he unrolled the top and demonstrated how they could work in the snow too. We were both excited as he happily purchased them for me.

He worked hard this past year to finish our unfinished basement. He designed a portion of it with my sister and her artistic gifts in mind. She was a painting major, and he was all for seeing her succeed with her talents. He created a studio just for her, researching the best kinds of ventilation and lighting. Knowing how she likes her privacy when painting, he created this special area just for her. What a gift.

Dad allowed God's love to soften his heart through this whole process, when he could've done quite the opposite. I am so grateful for his openness to our Father.


  1. I've been talking to Janet who is the Sparks memory keeper. She reminds me of our Grandpa Sparks who was your great grandpa, Lauren. He died around 1957, but was a very strong Christian.-we'll be seeing him in Heaven. A love for our Father has been passed down through several generations of the Sparks family. Larry, you have simply carried that on and passed it on so well to your children.

  2. Hi Larry, Debbie Jensen just clued me into your blog and I am so glad to feel connected to you through it. You have been in my prayers every day for the longest time and it is truly amazing and inspirational to witness your courage and grace through this entire experience. Your friendship is one of the highlights of my times at CCC - I look forward to every time we can shout "kwaaga" to each other and I smile knowing that we will do that throughout all of eternity!! I don't even know if that's spelled correctly - probably not, but you get it!!! Sheri Hays

  3. Yes Pam, our grandpa was an incredible servant of our God. Always faithful to God. No matter the weather, he would put on his hat and go to church. I always wanted to hear him sing, that beautful voice, His words calmed the "twister" right out of me. I look forward to the hearing the sparks quartet when I get there.

  4. Larry what a friend you have been over the years. We have had good talks and lots of fun and we miss seeing you so much at church. God has given you such a loving heart for your family and all the people you meet. We love you.
    John and Donna Pittman

  5. lauren...i LOVE reading about your dad. i think you are amazing and it's obvious that it runs in the family. thanks larry for living out the deepest truth even in the reality of your illness: god is here and he loves us. jenny behrens
